Want more
newsletter subscribers?

Want more
newsletter subscribers?

Share your audience with other creators and grow faster, together.

Share your audience with other creators and grow faster, together.

211,027 total subscribers…

211,027 total subscribers…

211,027 total subscribers…

How does it work?

How does it work?

Find newsletter creators
just like you!

Find newsletter creators
just like you!

Browse our growing network of newsletter creators looking to collaborate with others just like you!

Browse our growing network of newsletter creators looking to collaborate with others just like you!

Schedule dates
to partner up!

Schedule dates
to partner up!

Work with as many creators as you like and pick collaboration dates that fit your newsletter schedule.

Work with as many creators as you like and pick collaboration dates that fit your newsletter schedule.

Find newsletter creators
just like you!

Browse our growing network of newsletter creators looking to collaborate with others just like you!

Schedule dates
to partner up!

Work with as many creators as you like and pick collaboration dates that fit your newsletter schedule.

Paste in your
1-click sign up widget!

You and your partners simply copy and paste a personalised 1-click sign-up widget into your newsletter on your chosen dates.

Send your email
and track new subscribers!

You both send your newsletter and track how many new organic subscribers you receive.

Paste in your
1-click sign up widget!

Paste in your
1-click sign up widget!

You and your partners simply copy and paste a personalised 1-click sign-up widget into your newsletter on your chosen dates.

You and your partners simply copy and paste a personalised 1-click sign-up widget into your newsletter on your chosen dates.

Send your email
and track new subscribers!

Send your email
and track new subscribers!

You both send your newsletter and track how many new organic subscribers you receive.

You both send your newsletter and track how many new organic subscribers you receive.

Supporting top ESPs

Supports top ESPs


Everything you need to organically grow your newsletter

Everything you need to organically grow your newsletter

No code. No manual integrations required.

No code.
No manual integrations.



How do I get new subscribers?

How many subscribers will I get?

Where do I sign up?